Moroccan mint is an herbaceous perennial plant, 30-60 cm tall up to 100 cm with woody rhizomes, branching out and forming many stolons. At the base it is violet; it has opposite leaves, petiolate, dark green on the upper side, brighter on the lower side, lanceolate, smooth or not very hairy, red-violet flowers. It is a very aromatic and honey plant. It grows up in a variety of soils. It likes wet but well drained soils.
Moroccan mint is a salinity-sensitive plant. It can be cultivated in soils of medium consistency but it needs to be fertilized a lot and irrigated in the hottest periods.
Moroccan mint can be employed to add flavour to cocktails or to fresh drinks; in culinary art it is used to season frittata (egg pies) or fruit salads. If you want to take advantage of its benefits, use it fresh or pick up a bunch of it, let it dry to obtain herbal teas that are a perfect digestive remedy, effective in allaying gastritis and in relieving painful cramps. It can be an effective aid for people suffering from motion sickness; it is an excellent diuretic aid as well.
More expert people can test themselves in distillation to obtain the essential oils. Mint essential oil can be employed for energizing massages, to refresh your skin, as a remedy for eliminating bad feet smell and for tonic baths. Mint essential oil can be used as a mild analgesic against migraines; you just need to massage it on your neck and temples. It is known that its balsamic action is very effective in case of cold and cough; it is a decongestant and fluidizer. Pour a few drops on a tissue and breathe its aroma. Fresh leaves of Moroccan mint can be applied on bites and mosquito stings to alleviate swelling and itching.